Saturday, March 14, 2009

Social Gaming With Faceook Connect For iPhone For Gamers And Developpers Alike.
Since A few Games for iPhone has updated to include Facebook connect for iPhone, Now iPhone gamers can utilize social networking of facebook to enhance the enjoyment of iPhone games by sharing scores, checking out what your friends are playing. A few games are already updated with the interface and there are many more on the way. Once implemented on an iPhone app, FC4i will provide;
  • Seamlessly connect their Facebook account and information with your iPhone app
  • Connect and share experiences with friends who also use your iPhone app
  • Share user information and actions on your iPhone app with friends on Facebook
You can play games socially with the following games; (Links are iTune links)
For developpers the following video says "How to implement facebook for iPhone in five minutes". For SDK and other developer info, follow this link.

How To: Implement Facebook Connect on the iPhone in 5 minutes from Cat Lee on Vimeo.

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