Friday, October 3, 2008

Skype 4.0 Beta 2 For Windows

On the heels of news about Skype Selling out to Chinese government, I hear that Skype beta 2 has been released. I have not installed or tested yet. But we did test Skype 4.0 beta 1 and it seem to be offering some interesting information. But the reports I hear says that it has improved on the beta one and there much more to be expected in the beta 3.
One of the better mentioned features is that you now can switch to classic view if you do not like modern view of Skype interface.
To alleviate the problem of missed messages, the new beta brings a orange colored indicator on System tray icon for new messages. Also they have returned your ability to drag and drop files to chat window and now you have dynamic groups like who is online, whom you just chatted or whom you have blocked. You also seem to have ability to delete and add these groups.
But we also hear that another beta is on the way. The c|NET has a more extensive report and if you want the skype 4.0 beta 2, you can download it here. And if you have any feedback, that could be submitted here!
But while downloading I will be wondering whom they will sell us out to next! You can also read about Skype President's response to the last breach of trust by Skype on Skype blog here. All I read that is now the they have hidden the place they upload the files, nothing much!.

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