Monday, March 9, 2009

Android Dev Phone 1.1 Fixes Developer woos.

We were more than appy when Android Developer Device 1 was released in December last year. One of us already was playing with the real thing, T-Mobile G1, or Android G1. And the rest were busy with the Android Emulator and procrastinating about getting one ADP1 Android Developer Phone, when the developer revolt broke out! The lack of capacity to run Android Apps from Android Market was widely spoken about and we were wondering if it was a good idea to pocket out $400 and the $25 (actually we have already done that part) to get a partially operational phone.
Todays news from Android Developer blog, (link below) cleared up some of out doubts. Now the Android Developer Phone 1, ADP1 with the new system image seem to have been cured of all the trouble but some issues regarding copy-protected applications. The application with forward locking copy protection will not be available on the ADP1 through the Android Market.
Upgrading to System image 1.1 is highly recomended and incase if you are not happy with it, you will be able to roll back to version 1.0 as the image 1.0 also available.
Follow the link for more information and the link to HTC's release of tje software. Now I hope Diordna will get me a ADP1
Android Developers Blog: Software Update Available for the Android Developer Phone

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