Monday, August 24, 2009

Google welcomes VoIP on Android But CTO of T-Mobile said earlier, "worked with Google" to make sure Android couldn't run VOIP"

No VoIP on Android
Responding to an article on USA Today, about Google banning VoIP applications, Google said it welcomes Full featured VoIP applications.
USA Today also mentioned that T-Mobile did not ask Google to block VoIP applications. But that only if Cole Brodman, is not working for T-mobile,Because I initially refused to get a T-Mobile G1 "Why I Will Not Get A T-Mobile Android! (No VoIP On It)"after reading what Cole Brodman, told Wired Magazine;
"T-Mobile made a big deal about being one of the few carriers embracing open standards and open systems -- which is true. Yet just how open is a (sorry) open question. When I talked to Cole Brodman, the CTO of T-Mobile, after the event about what would stop something like Skype from designing a program that could run on the phone, negating the need for a massive voice plan, he said he had "worked with Google" to make sure Android couldn't run VOIP. "We want to be open in a way that consumers can rely on," is the way Brodman put it to me."
So who is telling the truth? We know T-Mobile made that statement in public!
I love my Android and I think I am looking forward to my second Android phone Android G2. But Come on, I did not like it when Apple blocked Google Voice (apple says not), same way I do not like when Google or T-Mobile block VoIP.
Google Public Policy Blog: Android and VoIP applications

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