Friday, July 16, 2010

iPhone 4 Press Conference : iPhone Is Not Great, So Are All Other Phones! Jobs say!

iPhone 4 Press Conference July 16th
BGR has put in a nice bullet form what Steve Jobs had to say about the iPhone 4 's faulty antennae. So here it is hope it will make you keep the phone, or return and get a Droid X, oops Droid X is sold out online, so you got to wait. Steve Jobs basically recycled what Apple has said before. The fan boys sucked it up nicely.
  • The iPhone 4 death grip signal degradation happens to a lot of smartphones. Apple demonstrated it on a BlackBerry 9700, Samsung Omnia 2, and HTC DROID Eris. Wow, we all had to wait for Mr. Jobs to show us that! Thx, my neighbor is satanic worshiper, does that make me one too?
  • The software update (4.0.1) released yesterday will take care of the error in the signal calculation algorithm that Apple discovered several weeks ago. Will it show bars regardless of signal?
  • Another software update to address other issues (like the proximity sensor thing) is due “soon.” Basically they still do not have a proper fix, yet.
  • Until September 30th, Apple will be giving iPhone 4 purchasers/owners a free bumper or case (depending on supply). Yes it is always safe to use a condom, in this case iCondom. It does not take away the disease!
  • Users who already purchased a bumper will be eligible for a refund. You had to have purchased an Apple bumper, not a third-party case. If you are not 100% Apple you suck!
  • The return rate on the iPhone 3GS at AT&T stores was 6%, the return rate of the iPhone 4 is 1.7%. What?
  • The white iPhone 4 will be out sometime later the month. Will it have a different antennae or will the case go all around?
  • Apple has sold over 3 million iPhone 4s thus far. There were a lot of people who voted for Bush, twice!
  • 0.55% of iPhone 4 owners have called in to AppleCare to complain. May be because the phone does not work long enough to call!
  • Steve Jobs does not use a bumper on his iPhone 4. He is a risk taker no iCondoms, did he apply transparent varnish or something, over the antenna?
Go to BGR and join the heated conversation.

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