I have been looking around for a application to handle photos on iPhone, when I came across this. iPhoneList is a functional GUI for the iPhone file system on Windows. The developer mentioned that it is based on Manzana, Peter Dennis Bartok's C# class-library implementation of work done by the #iphone-dev jailbreak and iphoneinterface teams.
Currently working Features as listed by the developer:
- Added full iPhoneLinks (Favorites menu) with ability to add new links - they are stored in Prefs.
- Cleaned up prefs storage
- Fixed File / Exit
- iPhoneList now looks for iTunesMobileDevice.dll - you don't need to copy it.
- Office 2003-like toolbars
- Copy to deivce fixed
- Configurable file / folder recognition
- Performance improvements
- Added the foundations for "Favorites"
- User Preferences saved and reloaded
- REALLY CLOSE to decoding binary plists
Current working Features: (v0.5.0 - r12)
- Drop Files / Folders onto iPhone
- Create Folders on iPhone
- Delete files / folders from iPhone
- Copy files / folders from iPhone to PC
I will be writing a bit more about iPhone utilities in the future.
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