Asterisk Org released the following directive to users. Basically Digium has moved most of the open source related servers from domain to Fear not as care has been taken to do correct redirects. The SVN servers operate with direct connections as SVN does not like redirects.
If you see or notice any anomally, please inform Digium or
"In order to more closely align the services that Digium provides to the Asterisk open source community with the Asterisk project itself, we've recently renamed many of the servers that provide these services.
Effective immediately: has moved to
There are no content or functional changes (except for the new site being SSL/TLS enabled), only a renaming of the site. The old URLs will continue to operate indefinitely, automatically redirecting the user to the new site. has moved to
There are no content or functional changes (except for the new site being SSL/TLS enabled), only a renaming of the site. The old URLs will continue to operate indefinitely, automatically redirecting the user to the new site. has moved to
There are no content or functional changes, and the old URLs will continue to operate indefinitely, *without* redirects, as Subversion does not handle redirects in a transparent fashion and we don't want to break users' existing checkouts. has partially moved to
The open source Asterisk project content has moved to the new site, which contains *only* open source content. The Digium commercial products present on will continue to be hosted there. URLs to open source content that used to be present on will automatically redirect to
Hopefully these changes have been made in as transparent a fashion as possible, and you won't experience any problems. If you do, please don't hesitate to post on the asterisk-users mailing list and we'll try to get the problem addressed as quickly as possible.
Thanks for using Asterisk!"
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