Monday, October 5, 2009

"Your Gmail Data Is Already Liberated, With IMAP and Thunderbird"

Keeping up with the data liberation efforts at Google, GMail Team has given a fine tool, actually I have been using my GMail account and Thunderbird, which I use instead of Outlook client many of my colleagues use. But again I never thought that it needs any thoughts in setting up, until I saw the post on Data Liberation Blog.
I get My Gmail on multiple devices because I get many impotant messages, includin Google Voice transcribed messages. Because of the importance, I also get these email on my iPhone, Desktop and of couse on the web using the GMail interface.
The post address following requests and more so if you need help in doing these things, follow the link below!
"Export Gmail email to mbox file. Even better if you can choose to just export messages with a given label, or those matching a search."

"We need to be able to import any ThunderBird or Apple Mail archived e-mails into our GMail account."

"The ability to merge gmail accounts into one. I have a couple of addresses and it would be great if all these boxes could be merged. Not as in one accounts that checks mail of the other but full intergration of all apps."

Liberate your Gmail with IMAP and Thunderbird

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