Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Scale Asterisk And Get A First-class Steak Dinner At Astricon
John Todd is promising that he will give you a first-class steak dinner at Astricon
if you could accomplish a simple task with Asterisk. It has to do with Asterisk scalability. Here is what Todd had to say;
"To encourage the improvement and testing of larger-scale Asterisk systems, I’d like to repeat here what I mentioned today on the asterisk-dev mailing list: I’m putting out a semi-official challenge in place. The first person to get an Asterisk system moving 10,000 G.711 call legs through a single instance on a single machine will get a first-class steak dinner at Astricon. And a great bottle of wine, if that is your preference."
The rest of the blog post is here.

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