Sunday, July 26, 2009

Android Donut Is Not Android 2.0 And Seems No MultiTouch Support.

Android Donut,
Even though there were multiple reports about newest Android code having system-wide multitouch, universal search, text-to-speech, automated backups, a new Android camera app and the possibility of Android Donut being the fore runner to Android 2.0. We were bis skeptical about the information as we did not look at the code nor any reliable sources could be reached.
Today Gizmodo published that it does not have multitouch support, and Android Donut is not Android 2.0.
There are a few discussions going on but we just down loaded latest build from andappstore to try it on an Android Emulator as I do not want to flash my phone with the new code.
The site mentiones that the build includes around 8 weeks of extra code from the Google internal repository which was made available in the open source repository on the 24th of July.
Andappstore Android SDK Build.

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