Monday, July 13, 2009

Skyfire Mobile Browser For BlackBerry

Skyfire For BlackBerry
Crackberry is reporting that Skyfire has released the latest beta for the Blackberry. The private beta has the following features and you can read more and have a look at more images at crackberry link below;

  • New Keyboard Shortcuts:
    We mapped the keyboard shortcuts to be similar to the ones in the
    native BlackBerry browser to offer a more familiar user experience.
  • Switch to Skyfire:
    Once Skyfire is installed, you’ll see a "Switch to Skyfire" option show
    up in the options menu of the original Blackberry browser. We added
    this feature to help when users click on links in email and SMS and end
    up launching the native browser instead of Skyfire or when you navigate
    to a web site that is better viewed in Skyfire.
  • Text Entry in Thumbnail view:
    You now don’t have to zoom-in to enter text. We resolved that issue and
    now enter text directly in the thumbnail view of pages.
  • Contextual zoom with camera corners:
    Similar to the other Skyfire platforms, we now support contextual zoom.
    Thus we detect areas of interest (say articles or images) and allow you
    to zoom-in to areas easily by fitting the area of interest to the
    screen dimensions.
  • Faster zooming: You'll see a great
    improvement in your ability to zoom. Unlike Alpha 2, the page displays
    text at all zoom levels, without any redrawing of the screen. Less

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