Friday, June 18, 2010

HTC's Latest, A Cease and Desist Letter To Conflipper And Shipped-Roms, An Android Community!

HTC's Latest, A Cease and Desist Letter To Conflipper on Android ROMs and, An Android Community!
Conflipper, has been at Android devices and behind the most hacks on Android phones and a resource for many an Android users, providing ways to modify and make the phone a joy! even when they are not on it!.
Many people think HTC is wrong to send the C & D Letter and the community is going to be pretty active on the issue.
The  Shipped-Roms community led by Conflipper, which is swamped to no access point now, received a  "cease and desist," regarding the illegally-published/copied "original art work,". If you are lucky to get in, the letter, is published on Shipped-Roms.
I hope this will resolve peacefully, how ever good is HTC, it will not be big enough to stop shipped roms distributions. But they should think of comments like;
"HTC (High Tech Crap) should only thanksgiving us for fixing their crappy roms,if it wasnt for Rom Development they would sell half of their phones."
Which not C & D letter can take down. Keep up at Conflipper Twitter account for latest.
ConflipperShipped-Roms via Gizmodo

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