Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mercedes mbrace iPhone app, Your Car Becomes Your World!

#Mercedes #mbrace #iPhone app
Well if you a Mercedes fan, (I am one as I drive a 1978 450 SLC around on weekends but I will not get such attention from lovely ladies on the Mbrace line!) You are in for a treat with Mercedes mbrace iPhone app. It makes it easy to live out tof your car that you paid so much for.
One of the functions that make me smile is that the app will guide you to your car, in the case you parked in an unfamiliar location and your ride is hidden among a sea of SUVs. That happens to me, sometimes. But what I would like most is the Drive2Friend feature as I get called in for driving most of my friends home after they are heavy with drinks. The hardest part of these good deeds is finding them, I am not very good at taking directions :) , even my Boss says that. So to find your drunken friends or Girl friend heavy with shopping bags, you enter their mobile number and the app will send a text message to them with your name and a message to the fact that you're trying to locate them. If they agree their location is sent back to the car and you get directions, and you will be able to find then without having to peek at address' in the dark.
All these and more will be available with an upgraded app that will appear on App store in February. Ubtil then you can watch this engadget video.


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