Tuesday, September 22, 2009

FCC To Protect Access To An Open Internet And Keep Network Neutrality Alive.

Vint Cerf has published a post about FCC explicitly keeping the "Network Neutrality" from ISPs and Broadband providers from tuning it to their benefit.
Even though this should be given, many network service providers like to keep it to themselves. With VoIP services being available from many a providers, Services like Google Voice being banned, file transfers blocked or degraded by Comcast are things visible to the surface of these humongous icebergs.
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski gave a speech at the Brookings Institution and I like what I heard;
I’d like to thank Brookings for hosting me and this discussion about the future of broadband and the Internet.
We’ve just finished a summer of big-ticket commemorations, celebrating the 40th anniversaries of the Apollo landing and of Woodstock; 1969 was also a good year to be a kid in New York, with Joe Namath calling the Super Bowl, and the Knicks’ season that ended with the legendary Willis Reed in Game 7. I grew up a long fly ball from Shea Stadium and soaked up every minute of the Miracle Mets’ season. Maybe that’s why I tend to believe in miracles.
But perhaps the most momentous birthday from that famous summer of 1969 went by just a couple of weeks ago with little mention. Just over forty years ago, a handful of engineers in a UCLA lab connected two computers with a 15-foot gray cable and transferred little pieces of data back and forth. It was the first successful test of the ARPANET, the U.S.-government-funded project that became the Internet -- the most transformational communications breakthrough since the printing press.
Today, we can’t imagine what our lives would be like without the Internet -- any more than we can imagine life without running water or the light bulb. Millions of us depend upon it every day: at home, at work, in school -- and everywhere in between. The Internet has unleashed the creative genius of countless entrepreneurs and has enabled the creation of jobs -- and the launch of small businesses and the expansion of large ones -- all across America.
That’s why Congress and the President have charged the FCC with developing a National Broadband Plan to ensure that every American has access to open and robust broadband.

Also read the write up by Vint Cerf (there is a personal bias here as I like Vint) and do not miss the comments. You might get surprised!
Google Public Policy Blog: FCC announces plan to protect access to an open Internet


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