Saturday, September 26, 2009

Is Twitter Flattening Out?

Twitter has been the buzz baby of the internet for past few months. Since April, the push by Oprah joining Twitter and the crowd following began the climb. The subsequent repeat chatter by other celebrities joining in, the interest in Twitter began to climb even higher.
There were even talks of others trying to buy twitter, like New Corp. Now the buzz is that twitter has secured $100 Million funding and that driving to value twitter at $1 Billion, not bad for 150 character tweets!
But a post on hitwise Blog tells us that the interest in twitter may be flattening out or even declining. But it is not that bad news, it is just that twitter may have reached its plateau where it will conduct some business.

The chart shows only visits to the Twitter web site, the mobile and other tools that access twitter via other methods are not included. But even then, it is healthy.
Hitwise Blog

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