Monday, April 5, 2010

Hatena "Monolith", An Android And iPhone Apps For Sharing Shopping Habits And More.

Hatena Monolith
If you you are familiar with Japanese, you might know that "--mono" means things, stuff or assortments.  The Hatena Monolith app allows one to scan barcodes from anything or stuff that has a bar code. Which does not these days. There are many bar code based apps for iPhone and Android based devices like shopsavvy. But Monolith introduces some new twists.

Basically you will be able to create a database of stuff ot things you buy, collect or desires. You also are able to share these with others and you might find other collectors or afficiendos whome you could even trade or exchange desired components for your collections.
Another twist is that any entries you make on your Monolith app, could be simultaneously posted to you twitter account, making the sharing with wider audience.
Imagine announcing the your geekdom the ultimate geek device you just purchased! Yes  the App is available in US app store.
You can find more information here (Japanese, use Google translation)

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