Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Multitasking On iPhone With Multifl0w, Jailbroken Ones Only!

Multitasking On iPhone snapvoip.blogspot.com

Even though worms on iPhone scare people not to jailbreak iPhones, apps like Multifl0w bring people right back to it, because Apple is not giving that capability, be it due to battery life or out right control freakism!
The Multifl0w app is basically a App backgrounder and a task switcher. The Multifl0w basically allows iPhone to be like an Android or a Palm Pre!when it comes to multitasking.

But watch out for those batteries! Apps running in the background can easily eat into your battery life easily, unknowing to you!.
You can get it from jailbroken app store rockyourphone and said to be coming to cydia soon!

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